Saturday, July 23, 2011

Compromising or Settling for a man... Serious Commentary Only?

I recently hung out with an old friend who is now engaged...GO GIRL!!! Yes, this was our screaming, slap happy moment after countless failed relationships and just BS in general. We're both almost 30 (28 to be exact), and with events like ten-year class reunions (to remind us we are not so young anymore-not OLD- but not young either) I personally have started reevaluating my benchmark goals. I was never the girl dreaming about her wedding ring...I dreamed about the first pair of Jimmy Choo's I'd wear to my first board meeting. I wanted to develop ME and be the best me before becoming one with someone else. Don't get me wrong, I did want the complete American dream with the $100K+/year career, house, husband, 2.5 children, dog, and brick red (not white, brick red) picket fence and eggshell/pearl Escalade. I've always been modest in what I want in a man as well as life. I do want to love him, get along with him, have fun with him, worship with him, and for the sake of pro-creating, be attracted to him physically. Living in Atlanta, Ga there are about 12 women for every one man; and with half the men here being homosexual, it's really like 24:1 women:men). The "straight" men have become a hot commodity, and they generally act as if they are oil. The result is the beautiful, successful, intelligent, and sweet women generally lower their standards, take abuse/mistreatment that should not be tolerated, are terribly insecure, and utterly desperate. Yet, there are some who find a balance. Like my friend who is now engaged. She admitted that typically, her fiance is not what she would go for, or what she necessarily WANTS, but she is adamant that when it comes to what she NEEDS in a man, he fits the bill. Apparently, she isn't attracted to him, but he has qualities she likes. I've witnessed her in love before- and she wasted no time professing it though it was already obvious. She said she loves her fiance, yet I wonder if it is a fondness of one who makes you feel safe, and not the love shared between lovers. I wondered, has she compromised on what's more important (prioritized what she desires in a man) or has she, like many other women, settled for what she could get. If she, formerly being so much more picky than I am, has settled, then I really don't know what my chances are finding what I want without having to settle. I don't expect Vin Diesel or Tyrese with money like Bill Gates and a sexual prowess that puts Casanova to shame - but I do expect most of what I want in a man and I should be most of what he wants. I would never want someone to settle for me because I was a safe bet - I actually want to be desired and wanted. I want to give my man the same. Yet, every woman I know that has recently married, or that is getting married, has had to lower her standards and give up on the notion of being in love. Especially in the minority community where a significant number of our young, fully equipped men are in prison, gay, addicted to drugs, and/or disheartedly unemployed quitters (those who won't try anymore). Is it a fairy tale to add "love" and "attraction" to the list that qualifies a potential mate; unrealistic to believe that every qualified, deserving woman will be able to find a qualified, deserving man? The qualifications are case-by-case of course (there should ideally be someone for everyone, no matter what the type or preferences are). Being the mother of a pre-teen who herself desires to see me in a relationship, and after putting so much into her and trying to pursue my career dreams (and that yielding no fruit in light of the recent recession) - being in a healthy relationship is starting to become more and more important to me. I'm not anxious or desperate, but I am concerned. I still have hope...

How to carry four handguns to the indoor range on a motor scooter?

Hi Newell! I don't think you'd have any issue at all. Just don't forget one in that pack,if you use it for school too! :)

Who is going to watch the new show on Hulu called Goodnight Burbank? I was just wondering if I was the only 1.?

The show airs tomorrow with Adrienne Wilkinson, she keeps talking about it in her facebook so I decied I'll check it out b4 juding the show automatically because of who's in it. I wanted to know if I was the only one. Thanks in advance :-)

Would he want me back?

Well yes either thinking any other rational man which is why sacrifice my career for some girl that might not even care later on you probably have to prove your there to start something serious or he has someone else and regrets it so he shows it with anger sorry if its blunt

I need to think of somewhere to eat asap. so..?

You can't go wrong with the cheesecake factory. If anything just go to and look up good restaurants in your area. Good luck, happy early birthday.

Why does everyone care about ryan dunn's death?

i'm sorry but that guy has no reason to be as famous as he is. all he did was stupid f******* stunts on tv for money. he should not be idolized. he killed someone in that crash for god's sake, but nooo he must be forgotten in return for some self-proclaimed jackass who was idiotic enough to drink and drive. we should be more worried about TRUE legends who died, not this Ryan guy!!

Needs help finding a job?

In your case I would Suggest an expert! I was in this situation when I came across and got myself a perfect resume! go try them at

I need to know if there is somewhere I can take a proctored exam near Burbank?

im in the same boat. im not sure if your college has the same crieria...but for mine i can ask like pastors or librarians, or military officers. I would ask your teacher.

LA/Burbank Hotel Recommendations (as inexpensive as possible)?

Since LA is so spread out, there is no single place that is close to EVERYTHING. Most people who come here tend to stay in Hollywood, Santa Monica, or Anaheim. In Hollywood, I recommend the Orchid Suites, Hollywood Celebrity Hotel, or Hollywood Heights (formerly Holiday Inn Walk of Fame), all near Hollywood and Highland. In Santa Monica, the Holiday Inn Santa Monica is close to the pier and reasonably priced. In Anaheim, I recommend the Howard Johnson (HoJo) Anaheim, and the Candy Cane Inn. There is also a nice place in Burbank called the Best Western Media Center, very close to Warner, NBC, and Universal Studios. You might also want to check out the Tangerine Motel, formerly Holiday Lodge, a tiny little property close by. It's cheaper, but with a great location.

Which store can I get I Pod nano 5th generation in pink?

My daughter's birthday is tomorrow and I promised her to buy I Pod. I went to Best Buy and Apple store today. They informed me that 5th generation I pod discontinued. My daughter does not like the new one. Online stores can not deliver by tomorrow. Any advice where can I buy this item and have it same day. If anyone knows please respond, Model: RF-MC050LL/A | SKU: 2096406. I can go to any store Los Angeles/Burbank/Pasadena/Glendale/Van Nuys area. Thanks in advance.

How can I forgive for my own sake when my list is so long?

At church today they were preaching about forgiving people and how forgiveness is truly for our own sake (which is definitely true). Anyways, I tried forgiving, but I realized that I have a LOT of people,thoughts, and actions that I have to forgive. So what can I do about it? Can it be done? Please help me in my walk of faith.

Are there any Chicago sports bars in Los Angeles County?

I'm looking for a place to watch the Bulls in the 2011 NBA Playoffs with other Bulls fans. I've heard of Tinhorn Flats in Burbank and I intend to check it out, but are there any others I should know about, especially closer to the San Fernando Valley?

Set up an equation and solve the following problem.?

The length of an altitude of a triangle is one-sixth the length of the side to which it is drawn. If the area of the triangle is 12 square centimeters, find the length of that altitude.

Atheists, the earth is flat?

I've read the bible numerous times and I've come to the conclusion it says the earth is flat. When I walk down the street my altitude doesn't change, therefor earth is flat. Are these things really that hard to comprehend?

Friday, July 22, 2011

Red Velvet cupcake wine!?

If you have a BevMo store near you, you could try there or try calling a few of the specialty wine shops. Also, you could try Whole Foods, Costco or Sam's Club.

How much will the altitude in Colorado slow my running times?

My xc team is taking a trip to Colorado this week and I was wondering how much slower our times will be. Were going high up into the mountains and will have a run in the highest town in the U.S.

Does anyone know any LVN Programs in LA County?

Does anyone know any LVN programs near Burbank? I want to become an RN but i don't have the money to attend an RN program. I know RN programs usually take about 4 years (i want a BSN.) However, I was thinking of becoming an LVN first and then take an LVN to BSN bridge program. That way i can pay for additional fees. I don't have a job at the moment and my car barely works.. I'm 20 years old my parents don't support me much. Any advice on what i should do is well appreciated.

Girl Trouble. FULL POINTS ASAP!! To The Best Possible Answer.?

She is keeping her life open to people and so should you. She wants time to experience new things being outside a relationship it seems. Give her time, if you feel in your gut it is thenright time to start talkin about it again, then go ahead, but you have to be ready and expecting any situation that may come from it. I would just watch yourself and have a little fun. Good luck!

Wanting to buy a home?

My husband and I are looking to buy a home in the near future. The problem is our credit is not the best, I don't have much of it and his is pretty much maxed out. We just got $2000 cash and I think it would be best to send it all to one of his credit cards to take it down about 70%, that would make a big dent in the biggest debt he has. He thinks we should send half as a payment and use the rest as a down payment to buy a car, a used car. I think that is foolishness because; 1. We should'nt get any more debt if we want to buy a house and 2. I have an old, ugly but functional car I can use for a few more months while we clean up our credit and save up to buy a home. He does not agree with me and gets really angry, i'm to the point where I'm just going to let him do what he wants because apparently I don't know what i'm talking about. I want to know what the best strategy is when one wants to buy a home, just for my own sake, my way makes way more sense to me.

How do you get socks on harvest moon ds cute?

Im married and have a child and Nina passed away and I went to go see galen and said he had a keep sake from nina how do I get because he said he'll give me it when he finds it.

Iwakuni, japans altitude.?

Since the city is on the sea, that part of it is at sea level naturally. The average elevation is 94 meters.

An Aviation Question?

Fighter pilots usually fly at higher altitudes and need more oxygen, which is pressurized in the mask, forcing air. Commercial airlines have pressurized cabins, and since they don't perform maneuvers like 360 banks, they don't need to worry about extremely pressurized air.

What we all Indian common people can do?

First of all, I never find sound reason or logic behind any kind of price rise of any commodity by any agency since last almost a decade. First of all as a citizen of India and a common people I must have a right to know the working sheet of any kind of price rise of any commodity by any agency including by private sector. It must be disclose along with every price rise along with at least three earlier occasions. Only after that the common people accept it otherwise try to boycott the item & commodity.

Is this fair? Getting another dog?

I'm in a family of eight aswell! we have 4 cats and i want a dog but apparently i cant have one cause of my cats -__- maybe your dad doesnt want the responsibility of it when you've left home (if you plan on going university or something?) but if you've had 3 dogs previously then im sure you can cope with it, you sound the responsible type:) Research how to train it (if you dont already know) then tell him you know and maybe he'll reconcider and stuff! Hope this helps! Good luck!

Can someone tell me what this quote means? I somewhat get it but at the same time I'm confused?

Love is at first not anything that means merging, giving over, and uniting with another.. It is a high inducement to the individual to ripen, to become something in himself to become world, to become world for himself for another's sake.

Is it ok to be concern about this type of girl?

ok. A question for the guys. Will u find it ok if your gf is really tough? i mean she is good at close combat. She's a cheerleader plus she learns mma. She's really flexible and she knows how to literally hurt people. Perfect combination of fighting. I know this isn't something to be concern about but it kinda disturbs me though. Like for example if i got beaten up, then my gf would come and protect me.. its kinda weird. I know how to perform self-defence but not really that good in physical action... but i know my gf is. Should I upgrade myself just for the sake of being better than my gf?

Helping my friend with Aspergers with social situations?

I think if the girl was aware of his situation, she'd be a lot more open to it than if she didn't know. If she didn't know, she might think that he was being rude or cold. The girl that was flirting with him probably thought he was rejecting her, even if that really wasn't his intentions. I think you should talk to the other guys that were bothering them and tell them to let up, it probably didn't help the sitution any. In the future, if something like this happens, maybe you should step in and be like the "middle man." I've seen this a lot with a few guys I is kind of shy and his friend is really outgoing, so the outgoing guy will join in to make things lett awkward at first (if this makes sense? Like if the shy guy is at a loss for words, the other guy will throw something out there to talk about and then step back a little). It sounds to me like it might not have been that he really wanted to focus on the order, but that he either didn't realize that the girl was interested or simply didn't know what to do so he tried to ignore it. Maybe give him some tips on dealing with the ladies and just be there for him. I think it would be hard to date someone like that, but if I was aware of how he was I would give him a chance. He'd have to warm up to me though eventually and not act so antisocial around me. I know that would probably take time.

Acrylic 3D Nail Art around Arleta, CA?

I've been trying to find a good place to do my Nails that would be worth my money but i want to do a Hello Kitty in 3D Acrlic Art, but cant seem to find a Professional place anywhere in the valley -.- I live in Arleta, but wouldn't mind going to Chatsworth, Northridge, Burbank, anywhere around there. Thanks !

How to deal with a stressful situation in school?

Sometimes teachers have to be reminded who pays their salary. Shyness is one thing your there to stop. Just grit your teeth and do the best you can. I was in one class where a teacher started running down a student when one of the brighter students spoke up and said to the professor, "You're the only teacher I see in this room. How about you teach so we can learn?"

Questions about Burbank California ?

Are there a lot of scene kids in Burbank?how many of them attend boroughs high school? Is boroughs a good school.

How can i become a movie,t.v show extra!?

So i really want to some extra work to get some experience to become an actor,get an acting Agent but i really want to know how but someone here told me to get a movie extra agent yeah but how cant i just go on a website or call please help oh and im 12 my parents are helping me and i live in burbank thanks to all who answer please give me at least a number or site Thanks!!

What city is between Fullerton, CA & Burbank, CA?

My fiance just got a job in Burbank, CA but I work in Fullerton, CA -- we need to find a place that is in between. Help please! Much appreciated!

What will determine if I will grow any more?

Nothing really determines it other then taking some hormone test, but males generally tend to grow until age 21-25. thats when your hormones balance and your body is at its peak. Dont expect to grow too much unless your parents have a history of growing late into their teens to twenties. You could probably expect an inch or so. No more major growth spurts though

HELPPPP PLEAASE 10 points!!!?

Passenger airplanes cruise at an altitude of 11 000m on long flights. In which layer of the atmosphere do these airplanes cruise?

What Are Chem-Trails?

Well from what I see, Chem-Trails is just moisture from planes when they are at a very high altitude. Please explain to me why so called "Chem-Trails", IS NOT Moisture from High-Altitude Planes.

Im Going to Burbank California To Look For Somebody (Read)?

So im Going to Burbank to find somebody and i know this sounds Strange but i Have No way of Contacting them A tall Try Twitter and FB i dont know any of his Friends and i don't no where he lives all i no is he lives in burbank If i Go to burbank What's the Chance of finding him?

Can I have a tree on my property cut.?

If the tree is on your property and you have the necessary permits, there is nothing your neighbor can say or do about it, except to be a nastier neighbor.

Do I get ' Mirin' and 'Sake' in India?

When I surfed through Japanese recipes, I found mirin and sake as Ingredients in most of them. Are they available in India?

What is the 'portrait of Luther Burbank' by Frida Kahlo about?

for my as art exam, can you think of any ways i could recreate it but making it unique and personal to me?

How was Truman Burbank of the Truman show a product of manufactured society?

Well, since he spent his entire life in the largest soundstage ever built, isn't the answer obvious?

I'm Pregnant and me and my boyfriend are planning to move in together in Los Angeles?

I live with my mom right now but we live in Gardena and my boyfriend lives in Burbank. We're moving in together but we don't want to move far we want to stay in LA i don't want to live far away from Gardena because I go to college there but my boyfriend works in Burbank. Any good ideas to where we can move? Your help would be nice. Thank You.

Reposting this: best friend and I like the same boy!?!? D:?

Boys come boys go :P lol, seriously you are just 13. It is not love or anything. Just choose your friend over that guy. She is not allowed to date him ... so you know, you both won't date him. You'll forget him quickly ya know.

Some Volunteering Oppourtunities in Los Angeles?

Whta can I do (volunteering wise) in the Burbank Area? There isn't much around, and its great for college and schtuff.. any suggestions?

What is a good, clean hotel in Burbank, CA for about $100 per night?

Well in Burbank, the full service hotels is the Holiday Inn Burbank Media Center, Marriott Burbank Airport, and the Hilton Los Angeles-North/Glendale and Embassy Suites Glendale in nearby Glendale. Some of the good mid-end hotels is the Residence Inn Burbank, Courtyard Burbank, the Safari Inn in Burbank, Ramada Burbank, Days Inn in Glendale, and in Studio City, there is the Sportsmen's Lodge.

Leupold customs shop and the VX-3?

Now i am going to buy a leupol vx-3 8.5-25-50mm and I am going to have leupold build the m1 tactical turrets into the scope instead of the target turrets. But I am also going to have them build the bullet drop compensator into it aswell. Now how do they now how much my bullet is going to drop at 500 yards. Becuase all they aske me is the caliber, what type of bullet it is, what the coeficeent is (sorry for the spelling) the altitude and average temp. They never ask me what my ballistics are or anything. And if anyone has had this done could you tell me what you think of it and how accurate it is. thanks

Thursday, July 21, 2011

What do you think about this story i made. weird, huh?

It's a really, really rough first draft. If English is your first language, you will need to take a basic language arts course to get anywhere as a writer. There are issues with grammar, word choice and sentence structure. For instance, verb tense should agree throughout your story, unless it is clear that a character is speaking, thinking or fantasizing. Second, who wants to read about what Hugo almost did or couldn't do? If you're going to write about Hugo, tell us what he did and show us through the action what is going on.

Math Question, please HELP?

a bus leaves from burbank at 9:00 a.m. traveling east at 50 miles per hour. At 1.00 P.m. a plane leaves burbank traveling east at 300 miles per hour. How many minutes will it take the plane to overtake the bus?

Tell me about what its like to live in Santa Monica?

If you are not the party type why would you want to live in Samo or Venice ???? Shoot go rent a house in Tarzana and save the money....

Question about Commercial Airplanes?

When filing a flight plan on Flight Sim X, It gives the option of Direct GPS, Low Altitude Airways, High Altitude Airways, and VOR to VOR. What is the differences between the four and which are most commonly used in real life by commercial airliners?

Important Question About my Period?

Okay, so I was out, and I was driving up a mountain when I got a cramp. I went to the restroom and a little bit later, and I saw that my cycle had come on. So I put on a pad, and then I checked it a few hours later. It really hadn't done much. So, the next day I checked it again and it had done nothing since that previous afternoon. If this will help any, I have irregular periods. I also read that high altitudes can cause your period to start. Can anyone tell me what happened here. I'm pretty confused. Thanks!

Making it in Hollywood?

Ok. Let's say I just graduated from film school and I'm heading out west. I rented an apartment in Burbank and I wanna make a living out in Hollywood. What's my next steps in becoming successful, or landing my own directing spot?

Help regarding Google Earth?

I use the flight simulator on a regular bases but today for some strange reason most of the numbers that give me the speed and altitude of the aircraft are not visible. Some of the numbers are visible to me on the scale whilst some are not and I don't understand why. I've tried restarting my computer and even uninstalling and then installing the program but none of those methods proved effective. What can I do to solve the problem? Thanks for any help you can give me.

Is there a 24 Hour Fitness opening in North Hollywood, CA?

Is there a 24 Hour Fitness opening in North Hollywood, California? I know there is one in Burbank which will be opening soon. But I just recently heard that another 24 Hour Fitness will be opening in NoHo Commons. Is this true? If it's true, when is the date of the opening? Thanks!

How long does it take to receive a letter?

I live in Los Angeles and if I sent a letter out to Burbank in how long do you think they will get the letter.I sent out the letter Friday morning which was yesterday.When should the person be receiving the letter?

Why are there so many mini coopers in Burbank CA?

me and my friend were hanging out and in one day we see like 50 unique mini coopers and i'm trying to figure out what is so appealing about them

Do you think this is a good opening to a book?

I think its good :) I"m no english major so I won't be able to criticize, but I was really into it and wanted to read more when I got finished. Keep writing, I think you've got something good going on!

Who is the best vet internist in Southern California?

I have seen vets and a cardiologist for my cat who has respiratory issues (it may be feline asthma, but may not). I need a great internist who is good at diagnostic puzzles. One who can do ultrasound, etc. Prefer the valley, Burbank, Pasadena, or east but will consider other locations. Rather not drive to OC

Are logic laws eternally correct?

Logic is just a human-created system. It is flawless within our level of understanding, but once we advance beyond our current level of understanding, the "laws" of logic will no longer apply as we understand them.

Why do I like eating my daughter?

's cooking? For some reason it just tastes really good, but she's only seven. Am I just making myself think it's good for the sake of the cook being my daughter? Or is it actually that good?

About Woodbury University?

The best fashion design program in CA is at the Otis School of Design. I don't know Woodbury at all.

Things 2 do & see in LA?

I was born & raised in North Hollywood & hav always noticed how ppl always make a big fuss cuz I live near LA, Beverly Hills, & Burbank cuz of all the things there are to see. However there is a lot of things I've never seen. I had never walked down Hollywood Blvd until recently & Im 18. I find it sad that I live near these places ppl want 2 visit & have never taken advantage of it. So I have decided 2 go sight seeing w/my lil sis in my hood. So I was wondering if any1 cud provide me w/some I-would-die-to-go-there-and-it's-a-sin-u… places. Please no Disneyland, Universal Studios, or 6flags. Thanks to all that answer.

What kind of camera was used to take this photo?

I'm not sure but I think it's one of those cameras that make a sort of clicking noise and then flash really brightly. I know one thing though it hurts to take an up close photo of your eye.

Geometry help please??????.?

The altitude from the right angle of any right triangle divides the triangle into two smaller triangles similar to the original. You should be able to solve it with that information and a proportion.

What is the 'portrait of Luther Burbank' by Frida Kahlo about?

for my as art exam, can you think of any ways i could recreate it but making it unique and personal to me?

Credit Report ruined?

Ring HSBC and the debt collection company you had to pay the money to and tell them that now that the money has been paid you want the default to be removed from your credit file, it was them that put it on and they can take it off, dont listen to their bullsh*t if they say they cant, they definatly can. Ask to speak to the CEO of the company if thats what it takes, but keep hassling them and they will remove it for you.

Are you okay giving up your civil rights for the sake of others protection?

No as rights, civil or otherwise, can only be given away and or obtained by each individual. No matter the consequences, only each person can choose to exercise or give away their rights. If someone tries to stop you in making that choice, you have the right to oppose them.

Belly dance classes in Burbank or Glendale/Valley?

Check on Shira's site under the teacher directory, or do search for belly dance in that area to see who comes up.

Help!! science question?

Passenger airplanes cruise at an altitude of 11 000m on long flights. In which layer of the atmosphere do these airplanes cruise?

What Do You Think Of The Name...?

The name Vincent for a girl?Vincent Teresa to be specific.My friend from the UK loves this name and actually wants to name her daughter this.I know its odd, but with girls being named Peyton or Leighton for gods sake,is it really that outrageous?

Are there any all age clubs in Los Angeles, Hollywood, Burbank, NoHo, or WeHo?

My friends and cousins are going to spend a fun night in a club scene, sadly, I'm the only one who is under aged (17). I don't turn eighteen untill July 29th of this year. So if you know of any, please let me know. Highly appreciated. *Helpful answers only please. If not, simply don't answer. Thank you !

Physics Question Help!?

In cartoons, characters frequently get catapulted into space (via explosions, heavy objects falling on seesaws etc..). In the real world, if an object has a mass of 50 Kg and gets catapulted by an explosion at ground level into space (use an altitude of 100 km), what is its initial velocity?

Why dp people still call me quiet/shy when I'm not?

i possibly probably am shy when communicating in my HS but i don't think i am i mean i perform in front of people with no problem but communicating with ppl i just don't get it what you talk about like hey how the weather i speak when i have to but i don't get it. it maybe due to i never was around people except my siblings.

Are there in any places in L.A that let 14 year olds volunteer to help animals?

hi i really want to help animals but there aren't any places that let me volunteer unless your 18, if you guys know anywhere where i can volunteer it would really help preferably some where near Burbank, California or some where near in L.A! please help A.S.A.P:) THANKS

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What's the fastest way I can go back and forth bellflower, ca and burbank, ca?

i'm a foreigner visiting the us for the first time and i got tickets to see leno and a couple of nickelodeon shows so i would just like to inquire as by what means do residents take to get the fastest travel time from bellflower to burbank and back. any information will be greatly appreciated. thanks!

Hello everyone, I hope you can help.......?

My husband is very abusive, but the sneaky type of abuse. I know he has a keystroke recorder on the computer because he mentioned somthing about it once. He is very vengefull and I am trying to seperate for him for the sake of my life. Is there anyway I could get into it and see where he hides my info? Thank you all for your help!!!!!

Approaching guys first?

It is totally okay for you to make the first move. In fact, a lot of guys prefer it cuz then the pressure is off of them. So, next time you see that guy that catches your eye and he flirts back, don't be afraid to engage in small talk, especially if you have similar interests. Then, when you part ways, don't be afraid to slip your number into his pocket. Go for it(:

How long does it take to get from the Burbank Airport to the Metrolink station at the airport?

Can you just walk out of the airport and get on the train, or do you need to take a shuttle bus to the station?

He is a muslim and wants me but cant! i do respect him but we cant stop talking every single day and meeting!?

i cant just cut him out of my life. im not religious in any type. im not going to convert to anything just for the sake of it if i have no interest in it as it is serious stuff and if i was going to do that id study it more but im not! if he keeps meeting me and msging me every day then is he interested and do u think he really likes me more? he say he tempted but i cant let him go :( HELP!! I DO HAVE SO MUCH RESPECT FOR HIM AND HIS RELIGION THOUGH I JUST REALLY LIKE THIS MAN AND DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO, HE HAS AMAZING PERSONALITY AND GORGEOUS! WHAT MORE CAN A WOMEN WANT???

How to cancel DirecTV on grounds of death and college campus housing?

You signed a contract. If you're too good to fax the death cert you will be charged. I'm sorry for your loss but that is irrelevant to DirecTV.

Which one of these is a good cosmetology school in the Los Angeles/San Fernando Valley?

I live in the San Fernando Valley and Im looking for a good Cosmo School in the area. I know about Marinello's in Burbank, Western Beauty Academy in Panorama City, and the Paul Mitchell in Sherman Oaks. I even know about the Cosmo course in West Valley Occupational Center which I heard is a lot cheaper. I just want to know if any of these are worth going to because there arent many reviews on any of these schools and they all seem pretty bad. Idk which school to pick. I'm hoping that someone can help me make a decision please. Thank you.

How much is a taxi from west covina, CA to burbank (bob hope airport)?

i know the bus is cheaper but im just trying to figure out if its worth just spending the money on a taxi to get there faster.

Can you help me with this math problem?

a kite is flying at an altitude of 22 feet. A string attached to the kite is tied to a stake that is 10 feet from the point on the ground that is directly below the kite. How long is the string? Round your answer to the nearest foot. And select the appropriate unit (m,cm,yd,in...etc.)

Is Pasadena malibu and glendale and burbank the safest areas to live in,and how come there is a big crime?

rating for the 'hills' in hollywood i thought there was houses there for 5 million plus,on lalife it gives a rating for the hollywood hills a 2 how could it be dangerous i thought it was an elite place,and it says the safest places are santa clarita,calabasas,burbank and glendale, and malibu.I will be working in century city in six months but i am having a terrible time trying to find the best location for me i am 28 so i want to be in a nice location with people my age with a good social scene,any help if you could point me in the direction of some places or websites i can check out thanks so much

School for HISD on Thursday and Friday?

I was wondering if there was school February 3rd and February 4th for HISD. My friend also said that there was something on the news about getting out early on tomorrow. She said that for us, (middle school) we would come out at 11:30 a.m. I looked everywhere to see if it was true but I couldnt find anything. Could someone please help? I really need to know. And if the school is needed, its Burbank Middle School. I was also wondering this because the freezing weather is causing schools to close.

What will happen if i increase the length of the string on a model plane?

I have a model airplane attached to a horizontal string, successfully maintaining flight in a 30' diameter circle. With all things remaining the same, i increase the length of the string to fly at a 60' diameter. Will the plane continue to fly? How about if I increase the string to a 120' diameter or even further? Is there some diameter where the plane will not be able to maintain flight. Does the diameter have anything to do with the planes ability to fly? For argument sake, the string weight has no influence and the prop speed remains the same at all distances.

Should Women Carry Mace with Them At all Times?

Mace or pepper spray would have, at best, disoriented the guy for a minute or two. Depending upon how well the door was blocked, that probably wouldn't have been enough time to make good an escape. A TASER or stun gun might have bought you a little more time, but not if you couldn't make contact. And as I understand things in LA County, the sheriff and most of the city police chiefs won't issue concealed weapons permits to anybody except the well-connected. So, you're probably goosed.

Why do I feel relief now that he doesn't respond?

You feel that way because you did everything within your power to win his affection and he didn't do anything. Now you feel free and you don't have to wait for your his call. You are very lucky in that way because what do want someone who only have time to get drunk? That's the worst tragedy than can happen to a woman being married to an alcoholic. It doesn't work and it never will. Thank God for that.

Why is everyone pressuring me to get married. I'm 30 years old for goodness sake?

It's not like i'm 40. 30 is still young. I've been with my boyfriend since i was 16 and he was 19. So there's a 3 year age gap between us. naturally we've had our ups and downs, including a few breakups here and there. At first he didn't want to commit to a relatonship, took him about two years to ask me to be his girlfriend because he still wanted a 'friends with benefits' thing and i wasn't down for that. But now we're stronger than ever and i feel like we can conquer anything. However, that DOESN'T mean i want to get married a.s.a.p. I don't feel like i HAVE to get married right this moment. I don't know why everyone's rushing me. We already have an 11 month old daughter so it's not like my eggs are dying out either. He was going to propose but i told him i wasnt ready at this moment. I love him with all my heart, i'm IN love with him. My sister who is 24 is like " why don't you want to get married? mabye he's not the 'the one'? . He is the one , i'm sure of it.

Leaving school to go to options(homeschooling) PLEASE HELP?

Im already in options but i need transcripts and immunization papers , and i also need a referal from the district because my school isnt affiliated with options because its in burbank so i need a approval to go there. I want to avoid the whole process of getting the referal because it takes a while for you to convince them , can my dad just tell my school that im leaving there district because im moving? i already know what adress to put it under. I just need to know if i can do that

What is the address of the E! news building?

What is the location of where e news is filmed. I'm curious if its filmed in burbank or centuary city or studio city ect. And what other companies work there?? Radio shows?? Thanks

The horse ain't dead yet...can Microsoft Flight Simulator provide training benefits to a pilot?

I thought I was sadistic, necrophiliac bestiality kind of guy, but then I realized I was just beating a dead horse. Please go away with the games.

Im Going to Burbank California To Look For Somebody (Read)?

So im Going to Burbank to find somebody and i know this sounds Strange but i Have No way of Contacting them A tall Try Twitter and FB i dont know any of his Friends and i don't no where he lives all i no is he lives in burbank If i Go to burbank What's the Chance of finding him?

What is your definition of Love?

So I was talking with my friend and he said, "I don't even understand what love is anymore." I understand what it is, and I feel it in my heart day in day out, but it's hard to put into the words... simply the feel of it and the meaning of it. So what is your definition of love, just for curiosities sake.

What is the closest airport to Thousand Oaks, CA?

From what I can see, Camarillo (CMA) (12.6 mi) or Oxnard (OXR) (19.0 mi) are the closest, with Van Nuys (VNY) (22.1 mi), Whiteman (WHP) (26.9 mi) and Bob Hope (Burbank) (BUR) (29.6 mi) next. If you want an airport with major airlines, then it is Los Angeles Intl. (LAX) (32.3 mi). Those are straight line miles, not road miles, so expect some differences. Those are all based on the lat/long of the center of Thousand Oaks to the center of the respective airports.

Anyone recognise these old PC games?

OHHH, I remember playing those but I don't remember the name of them, I actually still use the buggy Windows Millennium Edition. (It was 1999 and I was only 3 and I sucked at it)

Why can't I breathe on rollercoasters?

That happens to me too. I think its because your going down so fast and maybe at a steeper rate. and you probably let out all your breath at once. Just don't hold your breath!

A geometry question...please help?

i am not sure but if it is remaining constant then i think you do the same thing to both so multiply by three and divide by two.

My separated husband wants to stay married but is only interested in spending time with his bio child...not us?

Change the locks and get real. Unless he adopted the 8 yo, he's not going to pay child support for him. He's probably not going to have visitation with him, either, unless he's a really good man. He has no legal obligation to do so.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

What is the minimal altitude required to assure both a successful takeoff AND a safe landing ?

A 747 commercial flight leaves Chicago O'Hare headed to Dallas. The winds are northerly at 40mph. Heavy rains are forecast for Dallas at the time of arrival. What is the minimal altitude required to assure both a successful takeoff from Chicago AND a safe landing in Dallas ?

Is acting a good lifetime career?

I live in New Jersey and plan to move across the country to Burbank, California to further progress in pursuing my dream of becoming a famous actor. If your an actor or have experience, can you tell me if it is a good career? What should I expect from acting?

Helping my friend with Aspergers with social situations!?

Yes, girls date and marry people with Asperger's but you have to be honest and let them know. I was married to a man for 21 years and I didn't know he was Aspy and so I didn't know how to adjust myself to help him. We are divorced now and we have a better relationship now because I know what the Asperger's is, and I know what he is and is not capable of doing. Your friend could watch tv and see how the characters on tv interact with each other. People who are Aspy tend to learn better by watching TV.

This is an awkward question, but please read, you can answer it!?

This is, like, the most awkward question I've ever asked, but two days ago I posted a question on Yahoo Answers and no one has answered it yet. If you love horses and you have ridden at either Cherbon Waters Equestrian Centre at Burbank in Brisbane, Australia, or Wattle Creek Equestrian Centre at The Gap in Brisbane, Australia, and you want to tell me which horse from either of those places is your favourite, can you please type in "Which Cherbon Waters Equestrian Centre horse do you like best?" and it will come up with my question. Please answer, I really want to know. Any answers at all will be appreciated. Thank you! Allie B.

Are good people that hard to find?

It is hard to find good people, but not impossible! I tend to have high standards too but I've been trying to lower them since life isn't perfect and I'm less disappointed then. But over all, you can't completely avoid jerks because that's just part of life. So when you find a good person, hang on to them!

Is "high country" typically longitude or altitude?

Altitude. EDIT: actually, as opposed to what another answerer claims, it has absolutely nothing to do with the all around elevation of an entire country. The terms applies solely to mountain ranges, not countries. Yes athletes do like to train at altitude, i.e. Colorado Springs, which has an Olympic training center and is far above sea level, but it is not the high country.

What do you think of this kiss scene?

It is great so far but I think you need to flesh it out a bit more....still worth pursuing and Well done...makes you think.....

Can anyone tell me their personal experience with apartments in California?

Ive already tried every apartment rating website out there. I cant find anything on these particular apartments.

Is there such thing as mental Anorexia?

ive been reading about anorexia alot and all it says it that the usual symptoms are loss of weight, thinning bones, brittle hair ect. but i was wondering if there are some mental signs that i could look out for for my own sake? i know one is hoarding recipes ( i do that quite a lot, i have nearly 50), are there anymore a bit more obvious ones?

Do you think I'm intelligent enough for college?

I think you have a very dry sense of humor and I like it. You don't say where you live or went to school, but wherever it was, it was not a school system that was good for you or your abilities. If you had been born into a weathy family you would not be having these problems. Yes, i believe you can succeed in college. You write well and in an organized manner, which is pretty much the most important thing they look for. If you can read half-way decently(and I suppose you can since you passed your GED on the first try) you should be alright. The big problem you are facing, which is not at all unusual for a young person, is finding out what you want to do with your life, and working at Taco Bell is probably not it. I have no suggestions there, except to tell you that it took my own daughter until the age of 26 to decide that she wanted to work in the medical field because she felt that she could really make a difference in people's lives in that area and that would make her feel that her life mattered. I am a teacher for the same reason and my husband became a firefighter for the same reason and one of my students went into EMS for the same reason. I think you need to find some field that will make you feel that your being ther will make a difference to even just one life. But if you don't have any direction yet, start with a community college general program. I know they can be boring, but they train you in research skills and writing skills, which any program will need. You will be find once you find your path. /be patient and keep your eyes open. Your path is out there somewhere and you will find it. Good luck.

How Big Is Burbank,California?

Burbank is a city of around 17 sq. miles and 110,000 people so that is fairly large when you are looking to find just 1 person.

I have a Disney Channel open call audition question (please answer)?

You don't have to prepare anything, they will give you material to perform. Go early. it iwill be a very long day. I have no idea how their call backs will be done. That is putting the cart before the horse. First you have to audition. If you are terrific, you may hear from them again. Never count on anything in this business.

How much would it cost me to enrol in LVN course here in L.A?

Hi. I'm planning to attend school this coming semester but I don't have ideea how much the tuition fee is. I'm thinking of Casa Loma, Preferred College and Marian College, all located in Van Nuys. They say the tuition fee is much cheaper in these schools than Concorde and Kaplan. Please if you have any suggestions of school, in Burbank or Glendale that offers LVN course, pls help me. Thank you so much.

Would he want me back?

He has conquered & it's over! Sorry. That's the way male Whores are. If you can find another job, do so because it will be very uncomfortable working there with him. You miss that attention he's been giving you ... is all.

Brother seems to refuse to grow up. PLEASE HELP! [Long, but I would appreciate advice. PLEASE]?

if it's truly survival at this point, dont spend your money on the house, it's already going away. might as well spend it on food while you're with ur bf's family. or an apartment which would cost considerably less money than anything(except utility bills) u owe at your house. so pay utilities and perhaps wait for eviction. well, that's what i'd do to postpone rent as much as possible.. good luck. hope it turns out well for u.

Question for SHERMAN OAKS &/or BURBANK (CALIFORNIA) residents...?

Does anyone have any suggestions for some nice 1-bedroom apartments or townhouses in/around Sherman Oaks or Burbank (California) area? I've been looking on both & for the past few weeks, and can't find anything decent. *I know how expensive it is to live in LA, but I'm trying not to spend more than $1300/mo. THANKS SO MUCH!!! :)

Why would upsloping terrain give an illusion of being too high?

It's not an illusion of being too high, like thinking the 3 foot shrubs are 25 foot trees, but the slope in insidious and next thing you know you are much closer to the ground than you thought or want to be.

Where can I rent a party room in Glendale or Burbank,CA?

For my sweet 16 i want to rent out a room to do a party with about 30 to 40 people. I don't need any catering or DJ. I can provide the food and music.I just want a room to get for about 300 to 500 dollars. I want to be able to put loud music and have a place for people to dance. Does not have to be a huge place just big enough for a party. I have until August, i just want to browse around and see my options for my party. pleasee help me out..THANKS!!

How can we get the bbc to stop using those thick waffling self centered djs to present glastonbury on tv.?

cant we just have the music and the straps to show us who is who and what is what? a few interviews are ok but they waffle on about nothing except john peel, john peel, john peel for god sake how many times? and then its all about what they think festivals are about and what music is this and that. shut them up

How far is burbank deom hollywood?

From Burbank (Los Angeles County) to Hollywood is 7.29 miles with an estimated travel time of 15 minutes

Is it okay to stay in a marriage for the sake of the kids even though you are unhappy.?

Ok so I just wanted to know what you guys think about this. I personally am stuck in the middle. My fiance's parents are getting a divorce after 22 years of marriage. His dad filed for divorce about a year after my fiance's youngest sister graduated from high school. My fiance says that he always knew that his dad stayed in the marriage just for him and his siblings. He says his parents always put on a happy smile in front of him and his sibling, but were very quiet and distant towards each other. However his sister says that she is glad that her father stayed because she needed him, and she wouldn't be the person she is today had they split up, and didn't have him in her day-to-day life. So I was wondering has anyone else been in this situation or witnessed their parents in this situation.

What is a good age to get married?

I'm 21, and I know a few people from high school who have gotten married already, and all of them are either divorced or having problems now. A few even have kids. I honestly think you are way too young! I think 26 or 27 is a good age to get married, and I think kids should wait till 29-30.

Super allegations on Pak players by former batsman Qasim Omar in his new book,do you agree?

he has gone really over the top, is it for real or its just a publicity stunt to sell his book, a former Indian player said that he should be arrested for indulging in fixing,drugs etc.,first of all, if it happened, do they care what harm they are causing to their own country for the sake of selling their books, pl share your thoughts.

Can someone please help me find a route to L.A Sands Boxing Gym by bus?

i live in burbank, i need a bus route to the downtown los angeles area. i need to get to 1515 compton. i dont care if i have to take multiple buses, just need any way to get downtown. please be as specific as you can

Cheapest motels los angeles?

need weekly hotel between $100 and $150 per week. south central downtown los angeles long beach basically all of los angeles county. echo park burbank silverlake whittier etc. just so long as its los angeles county and less than $200 per week. help need asap

Best way to get from Redondo Beach to Burbank without a car.?

Looking at cab fair close to $200, looking online. Going to the Conan obrien show, but we dont have a car. Staying in Redondo Beach. Whats the best way to get there? LAX do shuttles to hollywood or is that too far?

Can you evict someone W/O giving 30 day notice?

No, an eviction notice will be required unless you want many more legal hassles than you may already have. Since you have never done an eviction and you think that this might be unpleasant (because apparently you can't ASK him to leave) then I would strongly suggest consulting an attorney or Legal Aid so that when/if you evict him, he stays evicted.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Would he want me back?

You must understand his position. One of you would have to quit the job for it to work between you.

Why are psychologists respected?

They are respected because they have been perceived as higher than us. The king or queen that sits in the royal chair and watches the towns-person weep. Really though, that's what happens in a psychologist's office. They can also tell us things about our mind and behavior that we're unaware of, and we flee to them for help and guidance, completely blinded by the fact that all the guidance for our minds we need is within us.

Would I ever get him back?

You didn't say if he's in a relationship of any kind. I don't think he lost interest in you, its not easy to be intimate with someone and just loose interest the next day, he is just afraid of loosing his job and he thinks he is doing the right thing by not stringing you along. He knows that if you two are going to have a relationship then its going to be in secret, and that wouldn't be fair to you, so he put a stop to it for your sake. A pretty girl like you can find someone your own age quite easily and you can fall deep in love that someone in just the same way, but you have to decide what you want to do, do you want to take a chance and loose your job to be with him (because he's not going to give up his job for you) and have a chance that he leaves you for someone else, or accept his offer to be like his little sister and have someone there for you when you need them. He seems like someone you can talk to, so talk to him about this and let him help you decide.

Greenhouse gases and saturated wavelengths?

I have seen people state that the relationship between greenhouse gases and certain wavelengths is logarithmic and up to the point of saturation will continue trapping more heat. After saturation is reached I have heard that there is very little warming that can be attributable to the gases that absorb at that wavelength. I do not quite understand saturation as of yet though. I have read that once a band is saturated the warming attributable to those gases will increase in altitude and nothing will ever truly be saturated to a point where no energy will be absorbed and no heat produced. Can someone clarify exactly what saturation means? Why is CO2 said to be saturated at the center of it's absorption band? And, as a side question, why have I read that higher altitude warming due to CO2 is more important than lower altitude warming?


um 19 years old !i just cant find ma talent and its starting to bother me !! for example my bf loves acting my bestfriend loves singing n drawing but i just cant find mine!! i tried to take piano courses for the sake of having one but i dont feel like takin it ! i just need to knw wut talent do i have ! can anyone help me and if there's no way to find it wut can i start practice or doin to have one ?

Is burbank CA. a racist city ?

I've been harassed so many times by the burbank police department only because I fit the description of a gangmember I'm 6'2 light brown and heavy set with greaser hair

Trigonometry help please? :)?

Bruce and Ernie are 636 m apart on the ground while Elmo flies overhead in a plane between them. Bruce measures the angle of elevation to be 63 degrees, Ernie measure the angle of elevation to be 36 degrees. The altitude of Elmos plane is 636m / [cot 63 + cot 36] = 343 m

Math question!!!!(help)?

a plain leaves from burbank airport for san francisco at 8 am and every 42 minutes thereafter. a plain leaves from lax for san francisco at 8am and every 54 minutes thereafter. what is the first time after 8 am the san francisco bound lanes leaves and lax simultaneously?(its a lcm question)

Sims 2 job/career cheat?

i know my share of cheats & boolprop cheats, however i cant seem to find the one im looking for, if it does exist. for the sake of story purposes etc. is there a cheat that prevents your sim from advancing to the next job level in their career even if they do go to work every day in good moods etc.? thank you :)

Is there a hospital that could deal with everything?

The Hospital here in Maryland is known as the best in the world, literally. Johns Hopkins Hospital gets patients from all over the world, so if you dont live in the area you might have a hard time getting in. But Im sure Johns Hopkins H. will go the extra mile more than any other hospital, they do have a rep to protect after all.

Can I Live in L.A. if I Work With The Burbank PD?

With The Los Angeles Police Department You Dont Actually Have to Live in Los Angeles, is it The Same With The Burbank Police Department ?

Landlord/tenant law in Arizona?

I live in Maricopa County AZ. My mother was co-tenant on my lease. She passed away 06/22/11. Now I HAVE to move, but I'm in the middle of a 12 month lease. My landlord has no mercy-she says if I move out under ANY circumstances, I'm am breaking the lease-there is NO condition in which I can legally void my lease. Do I have any rights here? What happens if I just break the lease? Will I go go jail? Will I be blacklisted by all landlords in my area? At the very least can my landlord garnish my part-time wages? My mother died for gosh sake, isn't there something in the law to protect me? Greedy landlords seem to have the rights because they have the $$$ power to buy lawmakers. Thanks for all legit advice

Duuuuuuude! Like, how far is the closest IKEA to you?

Duuuuuuude! Like, I live in Venice, California and the closest IKEA to me is in Burbank, CA, so it's about 25 miles away, Duuuuuuude! So, like, how far is the closest IKEA to YOU, Duuuuuuude?!?

Recording in HD from Sky tv onto disc?

I'm presently recording some programmes from the hard drive on Sky tv through a scart connection but was wondering if I can get them in HD just for the sake of better quality. They're recorded on the tv HDMI2 in HD but didn't know if I could (or how to even) record them in HD onto the dvd recorder. I'm afraid I'm not very technical just took me a week figuring out how to do it with two scart leads. My tv has only 1 scart socket. I have my xbox connected to HDMI1 with an HDMI cable rather than scart if that means anything.

What is this drake song? (details inside)?

Its the remix of that Chris Brown song Deuces featuring Drake and other rappers. came out in late 2010

For god sake plz tell me what Area51 and what the story behind it...:s?

why it is a stage for so many controversies and why alliens use that area as helipad leaving entire empty space on earth.....

Why do people(teachers esp) think just because you do poorly in school you won't pass Boot Camp?

Being one of the people teachers told I would never amount to anything, it is because they see that you are not putting any effort into anything, and you're not even trying. So they figure when you get to boot camp you're going to act the same way. It's very narrow minded of them but that's the way they think.

Which Retail Stores Sell NYX Eyeshadow Base?

Ulta! That's the only place I have ever seen any NYX products. They have a huge variety of them for awesome prices! And I do believe they have an Ulta in Los Angeles. (:

Clothing Dilemma, Annoyance, Please, can you help me or advise with this. All the answers I can get plz.?

Well, since your not sure about really any of your clothes, and somtimes you don't even like some of them I suggest you sell the majority of them and then use that money to go and buy new clothes that way you can have ones you are truely sure about and really like/want. Save money before hand though because the money from selling your old clothes wont be that much because they are used (don'y take that the wrong way though please, used clothes just dont sell for much you know how it is...) and then while you save money you can focus of the couple of peices you will keep and what majority you will sell. I hope this helps, sorry if it dosent.

How many games are for Kingdom Hearts on the PS2?

I have these games for the PS2. I have Kingdom Hearts,Kingdom Hearts II, and Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories. Personally I don't enjoy Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories. It has invisible walls, and they took away the exploring around, and replaced attacking with cards, now they have the same battle system as Final Fantasy, where they have a break then go to a battle field. So is there is such thing in the United States as Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix? And they don't sell the Final Mix in any Game stop around my area in Burbank. People, do you know where I can get this game for the PS2?

How easy is it to get around Los Angeles by public transport?

We are planning a visit to LA in May and do not drive. Many of the sites we wish to see are in Hollywood but there are a couple in Burbank, one in Long Beach, the Getty Center and maybe one of the presidential libraries. Is it convenient to travel across the city's huge sprawl using the Metro and buses?

Why is my antique LIFE issue different from the ones on the internet?

I bought the October 3, 1938 issue of LIFE magazine from a bookstore in Burbank, California called Film World. It's in very good condition. I looked up the issue online, and I noticed something weird about the cover. All the images of the cover I saw on the Internet had the tagline at the bottom left of the picture "Arms and the Men". However, my copy has the tagline "Czech Defender" on it instead. Do I have some rare version of it that was issued?

Pregnant? how to prevent being pregnant?

yeahh its deff normal for girls to freak out about being pregnant esp after you lose your virginity. You're probably just paranoid. However any time you have sex without a condom, you have a higher chance of getting pregnant. I think your fine though.. if your still stressing Plan B it up.

I Need Help With Poetry?

a href="" rel="nofollow"

Can a passenger plane tow another passenger plane?

My friends said they saw these two passenger planes flying very close to each other and very low altitude also. One plane had lights while the other didnt. i guess the other plane was out of fuel? or the plane with the lights couldve been refueling the other one. idk. Its just wierd.

What would you do if you were me?

so basically I have been with this guy for 8 months or longer. a month or so in our relationship his ex calls and says she is 3 months pregnant. he cried when he told me and said it didnt matter he still wanted to be with me and to have a baby with me some day. so we continued our relationship until they could talk over some things and after a month she finally says she wants to be with him so he said for the babys sake he will be with her. I understood even tho it hurt but 2 times during our split and we hung out he cheated on her with me but he immediately both times said he was sorry but if we couldnt stop then we would have to stop being friends. It hurt me bc both times i thought we were gettin back together but the next morning it was different so my sister deleted my number out his phone and we didnt talk for awhile but i txt him after a month just to say merry christmas and then next thing he callin me to hang out and he is apologizing to me sayin he was done with her and everything was like it was before the baby thing came out. but not even a week later he started treatin me different. and when i asked him about it he said i wanna be with you its just complicated. and we have had this conversation multiple times. so then i make a fb and add his baby mama and see that he talks to her like they were in a relationship. I made up every excuse cause i thought he did care about me but its like he said complicated. i never told him what i saw or what i knew. but i just was at least informed on things more. cause he would hangout with me but then i wouldnt hear from him so i found out he was taking trips to see her. which is 5 hrs away from us so i again was like if you dont wanna be with me just tell me and he said he loved me and i am for sure what he wants just complicated right now now cause he tryin to figure out what gonna happen when the baby is born. I also didnt want to keep bugging him cause i knew he had enough stress goin on so i just told myself things will get better for us just gotta stay strong. but then the baby was born. and thats when my feeling really got hurt bc he wrote as his status that he loves his girls and says her name and all of our friends that knew we were together were asking me wat was up and that embarrassed me so i said to them that he just said that bc she gave birth to his child of course he loves her i said and i was believing myself. so the baby was born and he would go visit every weekend but as soon as he came back he would come see me. I had in my mind he was only visiting her cause the baby. but then one day i see him get tagged in a photo of him kissing her on the cheek. that is not ok! so i cried and thought to myself why is he kissing her if he wants to be with me? whats his purpose of using me like this? and just when i was making excuses again for him i thought to myself what is so complicated? he says its complicated cause he has a baby. but that baby isnt going anywhere so what is he wanting me to wait for? if he loved me he would just make the decision to be with me right? I have been in this for basically the entire pregnancy and 3 months of the childs life. and its still complicated? I told myself it was done and i have been ignoring him. do you think i made the right choice? i mean i just dont know what men think when it comes to kids. i know it must be scary but i think its time for him to make a decision already. I love him but its time right?

Does a long term guest have renters rights?

I am trying to sell my home in Burbank, CA . My husband just passed away and his sister that was a guest that never left and ended up staying in an unpermitted guest unit now only stores her stuff in it,will not abide to many dates that we have agreed upon. Since there was never a contract or rental agreement and she never even paid any rent, does she have renters rights and could this be a storage issue since she the house has not had hot water for months and there is no gas in the unit and it is wall to wall storage?

Helping my friend with Aspergers with social situations?!!?

I would befriend one and date one but I doubt I would be seriously involved with one. I want to feel loved.



I'm turning 18 should I break up with my babydaddy?

So last year I got pregnant with my current boyfriend and just a guy ive been seeing at the time. Hes turning 15 in october and im turning 18 in two weeks, so its kind of embarrassing for my son to have such a young father and it makes me look bad now that im legal. But I still love him, and its seems so hard to to just end it after all we went through. Before I found out I was pregnant and when we first started dating I found out he had sex with my mom (but they were both on meth.. and it was his first time tweaking) he said it was a big mistake and he wouldnt have done it if he was sober so I let it go. and he has been wonderful to me since. but it still bugs me knowing that that happend. is me turning 18 a sign that I should end it? Or should I stay with him or the sake of my kid?

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Is this a legitimate address...?

Not sure of the Anm2, but the E3 would be a suite number or store number. This could be a business in a strip mall, or a warehouse area. I think that Disney has some offices in that area.

Anyone know fun bars for a bachelorette party in Burbank or Valencia, CA (Date is Saturday, April 9, 2011)?

There will be 12 girls, and we have a limo so we are looking for a place to eat first and then a few bars to go to that would be fun for a bachelorette party. I'm looking for live music, a great jukebox, and/or dancing......

Can anyone help me? Having some relationship trouble...?

Ok well thn just go and be honest of u feelings and ask her how does she feel about u and soon enough u guys were goin to be together must talk n it will come up to u

Can someone post some links to download free movies for the iPhone app download manager lite?

I downloaded the app after watching a tutorial on YouTube, the app works the sake as the video but all the different websites they suggest have stopped doing movies so can someone post a link for a website that does movies? Thanks

Am I the only one who felt sorry for Truman Burbank?

(In The Truman Show) All my friends are like "He didn't get it that bad!" ... Uh, yeah he did!

Burbank Public Library-holding books?

I asked the librarian to hold a book for me and i know they charge a one dollar fee for that. But i couldn't get a chance to pick up the book. Does the library still charge me for holding a book?

Do you know a low cost Neutering clinic around north hollywood CA?

Best thing to do is call your local Animal Rescue League place, they can give you a voucher where you pay ,a real low fee to get it done as they are given donations to help people with this. Then you can call any of your closet vets and tell them you hae that and will they take it. most do. Saves a ton of money. You should have a chapter there or you could go online and look it up. Other type animal deals like that, Bob Barker just donated millions and he is big n having them fixed.

Prom Dress Shopping Around LA?

i see a lot of girls shopping down by the alley which is downtown for prom dressess thet are a lot of stores for that there it is a garment district good luck

How do you unlock the altitude mirror adjustment wheel on an A 10A bubble sextant?

During WWII the bubble sextant found constant use on both sides---one of the best known and most frequently used designs of bubble sextant was the ANSCO A 10A aircraft bubble sextant...there is a small hand wheel or rotating knob on the bottom of the instrument which, when rotated, causes the the index mirror to likewise rotate by way of a gear train----but apparently this knob can be locked by some kind of detent or other means so that it cannot turn.....can anyone out there shed some light on this?

In red dead Redemption Can you own a Horse Ranch?

My brother is getting the game and i want to know if You can own a ranch because then it would Be worth Capturing all those horses. As well as playing 2 Player with my brother. I did kinda force him to get left 4 dead but anyway. It looks like a good game and im a freak for Westerns and Rpg's of any kind. Red Dead Redemption With its old western Themes and Old 1880 Grip on life seems to have awoken the cowgirl in me. For old time sakes that is. so Like my question Asks Is it Possible to Buy/Own a horse ranch or any kind of possible place to keep all of your horses that you catch.

How long does it take to get from the Burbank Airport to the Metrolink station at the airport?

Can you just walk out of the airport and get on the train, or do you need to take a shuttle bus to the station?

The atmospheric pressure greater at sea level than altitudes.why?

Raj has a good technical approach, but simply put, it is because each molecule in the air has some weight, and the farther up you go, the less weight there is above you. So it is a bit like the difference in carrying one person on your shoulders, or carrying a person who is carrying another person on their shoulders!

What we all Indian common people can do?

First of all, I never find sound reason or logic behind any kind of price rise of any commodity by any agency since last almost a decade. First of all as a citizen of India and a common people I must have a right to know the working sheet of any kind of price rise of any commodity by any agency including by private sector. It must be disclose along with every price rise along with at least three earlier occasions. Only after that the common people accept it otherwise try to boycott the item & commodity.

If do NOT want premarital s*x, how can I be friends with a woman who might be a wh**e for ministry sake?

make up your mind to obey God & keep yourself clean & let them know.Read Psalms 119 & Ephesians.

Grade 9 math please!?

look on of-Tangents-to-a-circle-Notes.pdf

Moving to higher elevation?

I recently moved to the mountains of California and am experiencing some changes in my hair, nails, and even breathing. I know that the air is thinner, and the altitude might be the culprit for my hair being dry along with my skin. But I was also wondering if any of this can effect my nails? They seem to break, and chip a lot easier then they ever have before. Even when I use my vitamin enriched polish. Is that even possible? Thank you!

Is Sammy worthy of his place in West Indian team, he doesn't seem like playing just participating for the sake?

of it, being Captain of the team, he ends up taking wickets but he is halfheartedly carrying on, should someone else take captaincy off him, he seems burdened with it, despite being a decent guy...

Why do I feel relief now that he doesn't answer?

Your relief is understandable; your instincts told you this was not THE relationship, and now that you've realized it in your "conscious" mind, you know you are free to concentrate on what's important to YOU. I wish you well.

Dating Quandaries as a Nerd?

Ever since I was young academia has been a top priority of mine. My parents always instilled the idea that education will take me as far as I want to go in life, except socially. As a result of pursuance of higher education and overall knowledge I feel as though I've missed out on the social aspect of my life. While I have friends from both high school and college (which I am currently enrolled in as a student of Mechanical Engineering), I have never had a girlfriend in my entire life. I'm 18 and all of my other friends have been in relationships or random "hook-ups". I feel like an outsider in some respect or another. I'm incredibly nerdy, shy, and serious at times. However, from what I've been told, I have quite the outgoing personality and sense of humor, and that I simply need to let it show more often rather than when the occasion calls for it. Friends of mine are determined to get me a girlfriend by the end of the summer, but I personally feel as though they're going about it the wrong way. They're trying to change my look (which for me is a facet of who I am). I'm a very simple guy who enjoys jeans and t-shirts with various science fiction pop culture references. I don't want to change myself for sake of being with someone, especially what makes me ME, whether if its intellect, dress, personality, etc ad nauseum. While I agree that I could use a little tweaks here and there I don't think an entire wardrobe change will suit me well. I'm simply a nerdy who gets incredibly lonely at times. Not even finding solace in Mathematics or Science can help me. There are girls out there that I am interested in but I'm too shy to vocalize how I feel about them (because I have a deathly fear of rejection). I'm not sure I know what to do. I'm lost. Can someone please help me?

In making astronomical observations and computing azimuth/altitude myself from the elements...?

I don't see a definitive question here. It would probably be of some help if you had included the calculations and let the community know what you were calculating for......

What does my cancerian love want ? ?

Hi Im jose. Im in love with a cancerian girl for the past 1.5 years . Over the past 6 months we are having troubled times. We are off different religion and age difference and there is huge pressure on her to get married as she is already 30. Her parents dont know about me and will not accept me as I am of a different religion. However having said that , she has also started to become aloof and there have been times that she has been only talking of her issues and that made me irritated and we had ended up in a fight. Our intimacy too has come to a full stop now. I am so in love with her that once I told her that I willing to forego this relationship if she found happiness somewhere else for her parents sake as that was the only way to forget her and move on. While she has not agreed to it and says that its not the way to do it but also says that I have to come out of it and move on but in a slow manner. Im confused now on what to do as she wants me to be there but also says that she cant get married to me due to the issues mentioned above. Her interaction with me on a day to day basis too has come down and we dont see each other quite often as we do earlier. Also, i get one sms or two late at nights when im asleep and makes me wonder why someone has become so busy when they can interact during the day.. Im not sure on what to do.. there is not a minute that I dont think of her but I feel the other way from her behaviour.. i think she has already moved on but wants me to be there to hear her issues ... what do I do ?

I'm finding it impossible to date,Ive never felt this way before? Please take the time to help me out.?

I feel like you really love this guy i think why not tell him if your friendship is that close it will be fine.

To become part of Force recon or MarSOC do you have to go through jump school( like the rangers)?

I really want to join these elite groups but not to sure on HALO jumps or any high altitude jumps at all.. please help

Is it dishonest to explain something inaccurately for the sake of others?

If you could only use so many words to explain something, would it be acceptable to incompletely describe it?

Tavelling in second trimester?

My advice as a mother and a pregnant woman currently as well is, if the dr said not to do it, DO NOT DO IT. There are reasons they tell you not to do it (same as there are stupid laws and rules but only bc someone did them first) and the risk of losing the baby are not worth the trip. He is your DR for a reason...especially since he did an extra 8 or so years after a bachelors degree in college, I'd say he is qualified to tell you not to go and should be enough for you not to go. I know you read stuff online but hello, you can find anything to support or reject whatever you want to online. Trust the doc

An aircraft travelling at 600 km/h accelerates steadily at 10 km/h per second . what is the sound barrier ?

An aircraft travelling at 600 km/h accelerates steadily at 10 km/h per second. taking the speed of the sound 1100 km/h at the aircraft's altitude , how long will it take to reach the sound barrier ?

Effects of 5500 ft altitude on child with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome?

I have a child with hypoplastic left heart syndrome. We live in PA in a mountainous area with an elevation of 2500 feet. She sees a specialist in Pittsburgh PA. We were comtemplating a move to an area of colorado with an elevation of aound 5500 ft. She is otherwise in excellent health given her circumstance. We are planning our move on several factors, one most importantly to be near a good children's hospital. Aurora Colrado has a ranking slightly behind Pittsburgh in cardiology. We are very happy with her care at Pittsburgh Children's. She has had three heart surgeries and is one of the healthiest patients with a single ventrical condition that her doctor currently sees. I of course will be seeking opinions from her doctor but I am hoping for other opinions, perhaps from specialists in mountainous regions. Thank you.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

I am in love with someone I have never met,WHAT DO I DO?

I am in love with Justin Bieber. Before you make fun of me just hear me out. I saw Never Say Never I saw how sweet, funny,kind and talented he was. I know he is in love with Selena Gomez and I now I never have a chance. Have never even met him for Pete's sake. Help me!

What does it mean if a girl says she's "hanging out" with a guy?

I have been trying to get to know a girl at my college and she told me she had been hanging out with a guy recently. So does this mean they are dating or what? Or does it mean they are just hanging out as friends? I mean why do girls do this, like just being confusing for the sake of it.

Difference between amplitude and altitude in a wave ?

amplitude is measured from the mean magnitude ( calculated over an integer number of wavelengths) - altitude is just the crest height ( measured from some reference height) so it could be the same but most probably isn't.

What's the cheapest airline & airport for a Roundtrip from So Cal to Hawaii?

My trip will happen in August 2011 and I'm looking to depart on a Wednesday and return on a Wednesday. I'll be traveling to Maui. Appreciate any tips you have! I'm open to leaving from LAX, Burbank, Long Beach and if need be, John Wayne or Ontario.

Why would living at higher altitudes result in better athletes?

For example, Kenya's altitude is higher than most places on Earth, and a lot of good long distance and marathon runners come from Kenya.

Is there a bus line that goes fromburbank international air port to hollywood?

I'm going from burbank international tohollywood/ highland. I need a bus that willatleast get me tothe red lineso i can get off at holly/woodand highland? anyoneknow? and are the busses that bringg you tothe trainj station free?

Ladies. lets be honest. if you could?

Have a wild affair and for the sake of just saying let's say the chance of getting caught is zero. Would you do it? This is just a question so no haters. Just looking for women with a open mind to answer honest.

Not enough sleep 2 nights before I screwed?

A stupid taper (unless it consisted of no running) wouldn't hurt you, it takes 10 days of no running to start to lose conditioning. If you didn't get enough sleep 2 nights before the marathon just try to get enough sleep the night before and rest up as best you can. Good luck!

Flying into Los Angeles want to get to burbank (no car)?

I am going to Los Angeles on a whim and I got tickets to go see Jay Leno. How do I get to 3000 West Alameda ave from a hotel near LAX by public transportation?

I think my fiance is becoming addicted to porn and masturbation. HELP?!?!?

My fiance and I have been together for 2 years. He has also been my best friens for 10 years. In high school he was very sexually active. Him and I never hooked up, we wanted to, but we cherished our friendship 2 much. After high school we went our seperate ways. After we turned 18 he wanted me to move in with him and he wanted to ask me to marry him but I had fallen in love with someone else. So he moved and a few nights later he got drunk and had meaningless sex with this girl and she got pregnant. His family wanted them to get married and try to make things work for the sake of his child. When I found out itkilled me bc I loved him and now he was gone. Well as e all know if u marry someone that u truly don't want to marry it usually falls apart. And it did. Shortly after the wedding his wife started cheating on him with several differnt men. And eventually she fell in love with one man. On my end I got pregnant and 2 yrs later the father became abusive and I left him. And when I found out that his wife was having an affair I was so angry bc I loved him n being hus best friend I couldn't tolerate it. So I Made him realize that he deserved btter and his response was that he wanted me th whole time and we've been together ever since. The 1st year wehad a decent sex life. But soon came the excuses as to y he couldn't have sec with me. I started to feel that he was cheating but I was proven wrong and then and I still feel that he isn't attracted to me anymore bc I gained a lot of weight durin a twin pregnacy and I feel like I'm not good enogh for him. So eventually I just decided to respect the fact that he just doesn't have the same sex drive as I do. Well about 6 months ago I started catching him masterbating. At first it upset me because I didn't understand y he would do that when we have great sex. But after getting another males opinion I understood that sometimesmen just like to do it. So I let it go. Well our love making started to get far n few between.

So what's your call, Porn or poem!?!?

Perhaps I am a vulgar person but I liked it. Except that you switched meters that kinda threw it off. I liked how as they were getting to climax the words became agitated! That was great! And the word **** and dick should be changed; they just sound so silly haha

Will a plum tree cross pollinate with a pear tree?

I've bought one Burbank Plum Tree and didnt really want to plant another plum tree to pollinate each other, so could i buy an Orient Pear Tree to cross pollinate? or does a plum tree pollinate a plum tree and a pear tree pollinate a pear tree?

How to Convince My Mom to Let Me Adopt a Dog? :)?

I'm 13, and I REALLY want my own pet! We already have 4 household dogs that we adopted, but I don't think that they really like me. When I asked my mom if I could adopt a dog, she said that I get bored of the household dogs after 2 days. But, like I said I don't think they really like me. The reason for that is because my mom or my younger brother and sister get to them before me. If I had my own dog, I would HAVE to feed them, take care of them, and play with them. The dog would stay in my room, and I would do chores to pay for the dog and it's food, crate, toys, shots, medications, etc. I really do think I'm responsible enough for one, I have babysat other peoples kids for Pete's sake! I've even got paid more for doing extra! When we got out of school I had an A average for all subjects in the whole year. So, how can I convince my mom to let me adopt a dog? If I can get a dog, I will FOR SURE adopt a dog. Some of them have never even experience real human love, and they can get put down. Thank you!

I would like to work for disney?

why not, if you are older than 18 then you have the right to work in disney world. There are many resources from there you get the right job functionality to work with disney members. There are much more consultant, who they able to work and provide the functionality right to work in disney world after 18 or older.

At what altitude is an external oxygen system required for a balloon flight?

I am also looking into a co-2 to oxygen converter, similar to a diving rebreather system made for 4+ hour use. Can you supply me with website addresses? Thanks for your time.

Question for moms???

yes it matters, always check out the birthing center you want to use. see if they will go by what you want and not just what they want..

Is there a planetarium that can simulate Saturn's night sky, rings and all?

I know Saturn is a gas giant so you probably couldn't see anything if you were standing on the surface (assuming you could survive the gravity). But, for the sake of argument and gee-whiz sci-fi wonder... if Saturn had a solid surface, what would it be like to look up at the night sky? Obviously the rings would be the most prominent feature. Parts of the rings are translucent while others are very dense, so that would look cool at night. Backlit rings would be even cooler (Google image search “Saturn eclipse”!) They'd be very very bright and take up a large chunk of the night sky, and probably light up everything on Saturn to such an extent that you wouldn't need artificial lighting. In fact, I predict the rings would be so bright at night that your pupils would contract so much that you wouldn't see any stars (same reason there are no stars in NASA photos of the moon landings). Anyway, is there some place I can go to see an *accurate* portrayal Saturn's night sky?

What would cause pain in my left eye, cheek, and the top half of my teeth on the left go numb?

I was sleeping on an airplane and woke up with this pain. I travel 3-4 days a week so I know its not the altitude. All this was only on the left side of my face.

Cheap airline tickets from NYC to Los Angeles?

Where can I find tickets for under $400, hopefully even under $350, for a round trip flight from NYC/Newark to LA/Burbank, departing between July 6-12 and returning July 22-August 2. I want the later the departure the later the return, obviously. Every flight I find is over $400 aside from the rare one that seems to only be cheap for one day.

Anyone knoe where to buy a ferret in burbank Ca?

i really want a ferret but i cant find a place in burbank that has ferrets.. anyone knoe of a place in Burbank CA that has ferrets for sale?

Looking for 3 bedroom apartment?

Check for a 3 bedroom apartment on and you can also post an ad on there too for free. Also check on and see what is available. Then look in your local newspaper, Sunday is the better day they have more listings and call early in the morning as places get taken quickly. Check at grocery stores where you wish to live and you can place a free ad there too. Best Wishes and Enjoy your new home.

Poker Free rolls in Burbank CA area?

Im a poker player that just moved to burbank and I would like to know if any poker rooms here have a free roll?

What do I do when I'm in love with my friend's sister?

I met this girl a month ago on a school trip to vancouver, and although our first couple encounters were awkward, we're now very good friends. But I'm starting to think that I actually love her, which is bad because she's my friend's sister. So now, for the sake of not ruining a good friendship, I'm thinking that maybe it wasn't such a good idea to become friends with that girl. But what's the best thing to do?

Hypothetically of course, Would a zombie invasion survive a canadian winter?

And if so, would going farther north produce a safer environment or create it's own life threatening issues. For this sake lets assume the zombies would not start walking again during a mass unthaw.

How to bypass City regulation parking ordinance zone code for Burbank, CA for business?

My friend just opened up and invested money into opening up his acupuncture clinic in Burbank, CA. He just found out due to city regulations he needs to have 22 designated parking spaces for his business. This is not possible. There are 4 designated parking spaces in back and ample parking space on the street, so this does not cause a problem for the neighborhood. Does anybody have any suggestions?

Why do I get sick during the night?

Over the weekend, I went to Reno and experienced high altitude. I thought my ears hadn't popped yet when I got home, but it lasted for a few hours. My mom said it's an ear infection and she would take me to the doctor. I also had a sore throat and runny nose. I went to bed and woke up without an ear infection and sore throat, but still a runny nose. I took medicine for cold and cough, but around 7pm I felt the hearing in my ear go weak. This has been happening for 3 days and I'm curious as to why it happens at night.

Best friend and I like the same guy.?

Im 16 ive been through that many of times. I say talk to your friend and ask her the three of you guys need to talk and id say just stay friends. who have you known the longest? always remember hoes before bros!

What type of hero is Truman Burbank in The Truman Show.?

He is an Everyman hero. He decides that something is just not right and fights against the forces that hold him in place

Any risks for the elderly visiting the observation deck in the Empire State Building?

So my 84 year old grandmother recently came to visit my family, and we were planing on showing her around Manhattan. And what better way than giving her a whole view of the whole city. However I have some concerns due to her age... However she does have fantastic health, with the only exception of osteoporosis. So I was wondering will she be okay at that high altitude?

Am i selfish for doing suicide?

Im 13 year old girl im doing suicide. I dont want people saying "dont do it" and blah blah blah. i want to know if you think im selfish? after all every day is painfull, i hate my life i have had to make the hardest desicion to take it. I dont wanna leave my mum and dad but have to. So am i selfish? i think its the person who wants you to live whos selfish after all they are keeping you here for their sake....

Where do high-class people hang out on the web?

I don't know about wealthy, but as for intelligent and respectable people, there's more than I can count on my bare fingers, that's for sure/

How is the weather in Burbank tonight?

You want Burbank Ca well its chilly but nice heres the website. You can wear pants and a sweater cuz it gets chilly.

Do you think I have a real chance at making it big?

I think you do! Its good to try and be better, but I think you need to focus on getting noticed. I mean it's good to take lessons and classes and stuff, but the worst people become celebrities by getting noticed. And also having an agent which you'll get. I think you'll make it! Work hard and aim for the stars! Good luck!

Letting agents in Burbank CA?

I am currently for a job which would mean relocating to Burbank, CA. I have never been to the area and would like to know of any reputable letting agents for apartments in the Burbank Area. Also, any areas to avoid?

Failed at being a girlfriend, conflicted. Help?

Maybe you should think before you do something? You obviously think of Wayne as more of an amazing friend, and have romantic and attraction for Robin. You have to tell Wayne, because if you end up getting married and then 3 years down the line figure out you aren't really attracted to him, it'll hurt even more.

Is this song any good?

That was demonic, but it could be a hit! That sounds sort of like a song that Panic at the Disco! or My Chemical Romance would sing!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Factors affecting climate: what is altitude, latitude and ocean currents?

i have my exam tomorrow and i am going over the last few things but i don't know these 3 things - having to do with factors affecting climate.. please help!!

What do I do I am flying on southwest airlines and I am 14 years old?

I will be going from Burbank to San Francisco. Do I still count as a under aged minor or do I fly like a normal person. Answers with extra info will be appreciated. Can I go through security,go to the gate, and get on the plane by myself or does someone have to be with me. What Identification do I need to show that I am 14 and am over the under aged minor rule?

Which has a higher altitude?

so i run and i think that running in higher altitudes makes you a better runner cause the air is thinner and it will make me work harder and when i go back to lower altitude it will be easier to run in. so i am wondering which place has a higher altitude: kalamazoo, Michigan. or China. i am going to china this summer and i want it to have a higher altitude so i can be a better runner. the places in china i am going to are: beijing, shanghai, fuzhou, and hong kong. thanks for your input, this means a lot.

How can I stop fading the ball?

at the range, align your address to an object, feet together, grip down on an eight iron, and swinging from 3 o'clock to 9 o'clock. making sure maintain balance. and that your wrists turn over not flop over. and that your ball is going a little left of where you were aiming

Does Burbank, CA give you that L.A. Feel of Lifestyle?

Im currently a police officer in San Diego and am a native of The Los Angeles; I moved to Diego when I was 16 and have lived here for 5 years now but now Im seeking to relocate back to the area ive only been to Burbank and it was a nice little city in the Valley but does the same sense of lifestyle remain as it does when you actully live in the City of Angels? please id prefer answers from residents only

Dance Collaborative in Burbank?

I am fourteen years old and I have never taken a dance class in my life. I was thinking about taking the tuesday six thirty beginner class for contemporary jazz. I am very amused by this style of dancing and would very much like to learn. Am I too old to start dancing? And is this a good studio to go to?

Hypothetical question: if it turned out that being gay was caused by environmental factors would you change it?

if it were dangerous to the environment, then these "pollutants" should be removed. granted we gays bring a different flavor to the world, our contributions do not in any way match in importance to the environment.

How cold will it get in Ecuador at night during july?

I will be backpacking through ecuador and therefore will be carrying limited supplies with me. I was wondering if it was worth bringing a down puffy winter jacket with me since many parts of ecuador are high altitude and it might get cold? Otherwise I would just stick with a sweatshirt. I will be going on hikes, but certainly have no interest in going to any icy areas. I plan on visitng all of ecuadors main regions. If it doesnt get terribly cold then it would be ideal not have to bring my puffy jacket since it is just one extra piece of gear I dont want to carry with me.

Will nascar's poster child be in the top 12 at the end of the year?

He will, NASCAR will try to make sure he gets a win next week. They do that a lot, but usually he chokes so bad that he offsets the extra power NASCAR gives him.

How much do air traffic controllers make at LAX?

if they have at least a year of experience have the right degrees, and work full-time, how much are they expected to make..which airports such as LAX or Burbank are expected to earn more...also what kind of house can they afford??

Question about healthy eating campaign?

Ok so shows like the doctors and doctor oz (even disney channel) are trying to make americans stay away from junk food, but if no one ate junk food, the junk food industry wouldn't make any money, people would be healthier (probably) and the medical and drug industry would make less money, and most of all, people would lose their jobs. So isn't it true for the sake of profit that some junk food must be consumed?

What longboard should I get?

You should look at the gravity makai or the kalai. If you want a great board for cheaper look at the makai for around$150 but if you want some high quality S%$t check out the kalai. They are both great boards.hope this helpd!

I'm looking for work?

Hello. Can someone please help me find a construction company that's looking for general laborers? I do have experience in marble/granite/tile setting for a number of years, and I've done framing and drywalling, but at this point any position work just fine. I'm in good shape. I can lift heavy objects, as I like to because I treat it as a workout, and I'm very much eager to get started asap. Please, any bit of help will mean a lot to me as I'm desperate to make money to pay bills like yesterday. I promise I won't let you down. I live in Los Angeles, CA (Burbank) to be more specific. I'm willing to drive too.

Where Can I find cheap plane tickets from LA to Boise?

If you are flexible with your traveling dates than you can easily get the advantage of really fantastic plane deals. I am used to book my air tickets well in advance to get the cheap airfare. You should also try there to get the cheap plane tickets to save your money.

How do i know when it's time to break up? (if you are or were a single mom, i would love your advice)?

I've been with my boyfriend for just about 5 years now, we have a 3 year old child together. Basically in a short summary here is our story, we got kicked out when my mother found out we were pregnant (I was 17 and a senior in HS). So we have been living together every since then, supporting ourselves .. in our own apartment. It has been a tough past couple of years, we resent eachother and it has felt anything besides a good relationship for a while. I love him but I am not in love with him. I feel like I am with him because i don't want to tear our family apart for our childs sake. I also was dependent on him for a while but i just recently started working so hopefully soon i will be able to support myself without his assistance. I just don't feel any affection towards him, but the thought of us not being together and him being with someone else hurts me, beyond belief. I don't want my child to go through a hard life, I don't want to struggle ... so am I selfish for not breaking up with him, i feel like i'm just looking out for our kid. If i break up and struggle then my child won't have the best life. Because if i stay with him then i won't struggle and my child would be happy, eventhough i would be miserable. I care about him so much and want nothing but the best for him, but with everything so negative lately I am confused and to top it off I don't get a long with his family anymore. I don't know what to do anymore .. i am open for advice. If any single moms have gone through this and come out strong and happy please share your wisdom. I'd really appreciate it ..

Cheapest flight from Los Angeles Area to London Area Flexible Dates this summer 11' ?

Want to go see my kids, but don't have a lot of $$$ flexible anytime this summer, but perhaps are there better deals from Ontario, Long Beach, Burbank or OC?

If flying from sea level to high altitude, what can someone do to prevent liquids from exploding ?

They're not carry-ons, they'll be in the suitcase. Conditioner, nail polishes, heat protectant, etc.

I need to find reception halls that allow outside catering around the San Fernando area?

I am planning a Sweet 16 for my sister and our family does not like the traditional chicken or beef meals at weddings or catered events. We want to be able to bring our own food. I need to find halls in the cities of Northridge, Granda Hills, Burbank, Tujunga, North Hollywood, Van Nuys area? Thanks

Tandem skydiving: How long is the dive time?

I'm going to Australia in July and this is going to be my first time diving. These are the altitude options: 14000 feet, 11000 feet, and 9000 feet. I'm not sure which to book. What is the time in free fall for each of these dives? Does the altitude make that much of a difference?

Help with a boy's name?

This is actually for a character in a story.. but for catagorizing sake, lets just say its my baby lol. Anyway I'm in need for a name that sounds well with Aiden and Lucia (lu-C-ya) who are the siblings. Their last name is Vitari and I just can't seem to find another boy's name to sound good with that last name.. Any ideas? Sorry if this was a bit confusing lol

How does the International Space Center(ISC)stay afloat in space&maintain the same altitude!How do they meet?

Well the gravity can't pull them down, but I believe they have to stay between and certain point in earth's atmosphere to where the gravity has a little pull and it still can float and still orbit

I am 16 and I think I have an anxiety disorder?

Hi I'm currently an exchange student. I recently had a hyperthyroid attack and I'm here in CO in high altitude. I took medication for it and it worked and I became better. But a few days ago, I got very bored staying here at the house and I feel weird that there's no school anymore. Then lately I'm having a hard time sleeping and I'm always afraid of dying or being crazy. Like I'm becoming paranoid, I feel like everything around me is weird and that danger is close by, like every time I ride in a car I feel like were gonna have an accident. And I'm becoming more aware and conscious about myself. And I frequently go to the bathroom. Maybe its anxiety, but I didn't tell anyone I'm feeling weird yet, especially my parents back home, because they might freak out, I'm having this huge US tour in 4 days and medical costs here in the US is so expensive. Can someone suggest non pharmaceutical solutions? It's so hard :( thank you very much!

Romantic dinner/date ideas in Burbank/Los Angeles?

I don't know what your budget is but you can Google Romantic restaurants Santa Monica and do some research. You can also check which has very good reviews.

What Bus do I take from Burbank airport to Warner Brothers Studio?

I am going to Ellen show next monday, I checked Bus Route but I am not sure which one goes straight from airport to Warner Brothers or if I should catch a cab? Please help!!

For the people who live in LA HAVE YOU EVER MET A CELEBRITY?

yeah I've seen them around West LA mostly..I saw Cameran Diaz one day at starbucks and Charlie Sheen driving by..he actually said hi to me because I waved my hand to him.

Looking to rent apartments ?

I'm looking for an apartments or even house in Burbank IL. I tried Craigslist And i didn't really find anything .What are some other websites that are good ? Help me out ! Plz :)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

I really need advice on marriage and step son issue?

He deserves the same chance tou got for your drinking problem. Thats her son and she is a mother. Let her be there for her son. He needs you both.

Is any one else upset about what happen on the coventry fest?

i mean its getting old and sad its like my generation mess up everything for god sakes there were familys there enjoying them selfs smh what do yall think

Calculus I Question Help?

A plane flying horizontally at an altitude of 6 mi and a speed of 510 mi/h passes directly over a radar station. Find the rate at which the distance from the plane to the station is increasing when it is 8 mi away from the station. Answer in mi/h

I feel bad because I bought animals from Petco?

Well, 9 years ago I got my first guinea pig from a little old local petshop. Now, I wished we'd gotten her brother, but that's not important. She's healthy, hardy, and seems to have a life-time contract! About 5 or 6 years ago we felt she was too lonely so we got her a friend. We had to go to Petco because it was the only place avaliable around where I live that sold another female guinea pig. She was a mess...always sick and in fact the said a vet had checked her that afternoon and gave her a clean bill of health. She was sick, it was obvious. One of the girls that worked there was fond of the little girlie and told us the store was going to put her down if no one bought her today (this was after we bought her) because they didn't want to risk infection of the other the time I was thinking "Okay, well they are just trying to prevent illness" but now I'm thinking "What the **** is wrong with them?" I didn't know about all these bad things Petco had down (the articles about them buying all those poor cruelly treated animals and then backfiring for MONEY!!!)!! 6 months ago we got two more...why? I dont know! My sister persisted that petco doesnt do anything wrong! In the cage there were two other sick guinea pigs (there were obvious signs) but we got two anyways and a different girl said "Aww I'm gonna miss these guys, they were the good ones" like....umm...excuse me? What in the world is that supposed 2 mean? The manager also assured us all animals are checked by the vet and given a clean bill of health, when we asked about the others. I wanted to get the others, for the sake that I couldn't leave the poor things, but unfortunately didnt. I no longer support PetCo in buying live animals and refuse to support them whatsoever. But my friends only support shelter animals, as I always have (I volunteer) but when they ask where I got my animals I always dodge the questions because I don't want them to know that I supported Petco. I feel so bad that I bought them, but sort of good because some people buy them to feed them to their snakes or they could've just been put down in the back of the store. I'm torn between buying the animals from PetCo because I worry about them being mis-treated but I don't want to be a supporter....Should I really feel bad for this..indirect-ish support??? Plz help..thanks ;/

Where is a good place in California to live for a single lady?

Considering affordable apartments, safe, cultural diverse (preferably Asian), close to the party scene. What about Glendale, Burbank, San Jose, San Diego, San Francisco, LA? Any ideas?

My cousin is involved with a celeb in Burbank Ca. how do we find out who he is?

She started talkin to him 5 months ago when she met him at a club,but wont tell us who he is until she's sure he's the 1,we do know he's her age 30 r 31,know any celebs this age in Burbank?

What is the healthiest daily routine?

I'd like to know what is the most optimal time to go to sleep, wake up, what to eat and when to eat it. Also where would be good to live, what type of altitude and climate. What supplements to take and and types of exercises? What type of bed to sleep in? Would it be beneficial to sleep in a float tank? Hyperbaric chamber? What types of tests should be done and how frequently to ensure you're perpetually in good health? And anything other suggestions would be great.

What should I do about my friends?

Do what makes you happy and try to include Kate but don't go out of your way if se is being wayyyyy too difficult!!

Is there a fire in Orange County?

It's 5:13 January 23rd 2011. I smell and see smoke over the hills by my house. I live in Burbank and it looks like the smoke is in the La Canada area. i can't find any news of it, but I'm almost positive there's a fire...

Why are people still stuck in the middle ages?

i hate it when people think homosexuality is wrong , they are being ignorant and close minded. for pete's sake , i learned in 7th grade that being homosexual isn't your fault!you were born that way! i'm not homosexual but i just feel really sorry for the homosexual people

Anybody have an advice to help me stop drinking and would anybody consider this situation cheating?

I just recently turned 18 but I have been drinking alcohol since the age of 11, which wouldn't of been very regularly at that age though. I can give it up as I have gave it up for the sake of the relationship that I am in now. The other night I got in to a mess and some fella tried to kiss me. I can hardly remember this and had to ask people for information. I know that I pushed him away but i think we kissed for like one second. He came on to me. Im devastated that this happen as I had to tell my boyfriend and he's now very mad at me because a situation like this has happened before too. Would anybody consider that cheating though? Alcohol is ruining my life and am just wondering what tips anybody has to help me stay away for good :( I know one change I can make it go back to the gym. I drink alcohol roughly 1-3 times a week.

Thank God, i survived another day for being gay.?

well, i don't really have a question, i just want to vent and this is the place i only could do it. Okay, so I don't know what's gonna happen tomorrow, it could be worse or better or simply up and down. People, I am gay but not really happy since I'm in the closet and will be here forever. I am afraid of coming out though I know it's the only thing that I have to do, but for the sake of the ones i loved dearly, i will do i'm so stupid, yes i am. i have so many questions. my life is not a life anymore. but why? why me? why?......yes, i am lonely.

Is it wrong to think about sex all the time?

I'm 18 yr old guy and never had it either. I didn't want to join the majority and just "lose it" for the sake of it. Anyway, yeh I do think about quite often but I'm not a pervert or anything. I don't use pornography either.

Want to see an entertaining video?

please checkout my little brothers football highlights on youtube. my channel on youtube is mrfranksantana85 or search for the video: tony toledo burbank highlights

Find the area and perimeter of an isosceles trapezoid?

The longer base of an isosceles trapezoid is 36 inches. The altitude is two-thirds its shorter base. Find the area in sq. meters and the perimeter in meter if the shorter base is one-half its longer base.

Why is my utme result not released?

I saw that i did not submit my e-registration form, which is not. I am 100% sure I submitted. Name: Akinyomi Dare REG no:15260557AB Exam no:05401181 centre no: 05401 exam Town: Badagry. For God's sake, pls, release my result.

Am I in love with my friend? Is it all in my head or my heart?

people seem to naturally want what they cant have. he has a girlfriend so you cant have him, i think its a form of jealousy and mixed feelings about the hug he gave you.

Why is everyone pressuring me to get married. I'm 30 years old for goodness sake?

It's not like i'm 40. 30 is still young. I've been with my boyfriend since i was 16 and he was 19. So there's a 3 year age gap between us. naturally we've had our ups and downs, including a few breakups here and there. At first he didn't want to commit to a relatonship, took him about two years to ask me to be his girlfriend because he still wanted a 'friends with benefits' thing and i wasn't down for that. But now we're stronger than ever and i feel like we can conquer anything. However, that DOESN'T mean i want to get married a.s.a.p. I don't feel like i HAVE to get married right this moment. I don't know why everyone's rushing me. We already have an 11 month old daughter so it's not like my eggs are dying out either. He was going to propose but i told him i wasnt ready at this moment. I love him with all my heart, i'm IN love with him. My sister who is 24 is like " why don't you want to get married? mabye he's not the 'the one'? . He is the one , i'm sure of it.

Physics Rocket max altitude problem?

A rocket is launched vertically upward from earth's surface at a speed of 5.1 km/s. what is its max altitude?

Why do people(teachers esp) think just because you do poorly in school you won't pass Boot Camp?

I hate to make generalizations, I have had many great teachers in my life that I really respect as people; but the fat, lazy, unhappy failures that call themselves educators tend to live in a false reality. If you don't succeed in their world, then you are a failure in their eyes.

Fun things to do in LA?

so ive lived in LA/ Burbank area my whole life so ive done all of the fun touristy stuff and i need something to do cus its my last day of spring break any idea on what to do??

Can we evict someone W/O giving a 30 day notice?

From what I understand, if there is not a rental agreement then he is a "guest" in your house and you absolutely can kick him out without the notice. If nothing is written down, and there were no witnesses besides you and your roommates to the verbal agreement- you can even call him an "intruder" and have him forcefully removed if need be. (At least that's how it is up here in Idaho)