Thursday, July 14, 2011

Why is everyone pressuring me to get married. I'm 30 years old for goodness sake?

It's not like i'm 40. 30 is still young. I've been with my boyfriend since i was 16 and he was 19. So there's a 3 year age gap between us. naturally we've had our ups and downs, including a few breakups here and there. At first he didn't want to commit to a relatonship, took him about two years to ask me to be his girlfriend because he still wanted a 'friends with benefits' thing and i wasn't down for that. But now we're stronger than ever and i feel like we can conquer anything. However, that DOESN'T mean i want to get married a.s.a.p. I don't feel like i HAVE to get married right this moment. I don't know why everyone's rushing me. We already have an 11 month old daughter so it's not like my eggs are dying out either. He was going to propose but i told him i wasnt ready at this moment. I love him with all my heart, i'm IN love with him. My sister who is 24 is like " why don't you want to get married? mabye he's not the 'the one'? . He is the one , i'm sure of it.

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