Monday, July 18, 2011

What would you do if you were me?

so basically I have been with this guy for 8 months or longer. a month or so in our relationship his ex calls and says she is 3 months pregnant. he cried when he told me and said it didnt matter he still wanted to be with me and to have a baby with me some day. so we continued our relationship until they could talk over some things and after a month she finally says she wants to be with him so he said for the babys sake he will be with her. I understood even tho it hurt but 2 times during our split and we hung out he cheated on her with me but he immediately both times said he was sorry but if we couldnt stop then we would have to stop being friends. It hurt me bc both times i thought we were gettin back together but the next morning it was different so my sister deleted my number out his phone and we didnt talk for awhile but i txt him after a month just to say merry christmas and then next thing he callin me to hang out and he is apologizing to me sayin he was done with her and everything was like it was before the baby thing came out. but not even a week later he started treatin me different. and when i asked him about it he said i wanna be with you its just complicated. and we have had this conversation multiple times. so then i make a fb and add his baby mama and see that he talks to her like they were in a relationship. I made up every excuse cause i thought he did care about me but its like he said complicated. i never told him what i saw or what i knew. but i just was at least informed on things more. cause he would hangout with me but then i wouldnt hear from him so i found out he was taking trips to see her. which is 5 hrs away from us so i again was like if you dont wanna be with me just tell me and he said he loved me and i am for sure what he wants just complicated right now now cause he tryin to figure out what gonna happen when the baby is born. I also didnt want to keep bugging him cause i knew he had enough stress goin on so i just told myself things will get better for us just gotta stay strong. but then the baby was born. and thats when my feeling really got hurt bc he wrote as his status that he loves his girls and says her name and all of our friends that knew we were together were asking me wat was up and that embarrassed me so i said to them that he just said that bc she gave birth to his child of course he loves her i said and i was believing myself. so the baby was born and he would go visit every weekend but as soon as he came back he would come see me. I had in my mind he was only visiting her cause the baby. but then one day i see him get tagged in a photo of him kissing her on the cheek. that is not ok! so i cried and thought to myself why is he kissing her if he wants to be with me? whats his purpose of using me like this? and just when i was making excuses again for him i thought to myself what is so complicated? he says its complicated cause he has a baby. but that baby isnt going anywhere so what is he wanting me to wait for? if he loved me he would just make the decision to be with me right? I have been in this for basically the entire pregnancy and 3 months of the childs life. and its still complicated? I told myself it was done and i have been ignoring him. do you think i made the right choice? i mean i just dont know what men think when it comes to kids. i know it must be scary but i think its time for him to make a decision already. I love him but its time right?

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