Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What do I do about my girlfriend?

Ima tell u straight up that long distance relationships never work (im saying this from experience). And it sounds like u dont rly wanna be with her either wen u say u dnt wanna here about her loving u forever. I understand how u feel, i hate wen they say that cuhz u noe its jzt not true. And the crushes thing, i think she likes that someone is there liking her and she jzt wantd to tell u, maybe as a way of wanting u to come back. I do wonder, is ur residence in so cal permanent? Cuhz if it is, i suggest u jzt end it with her because ur relationship will jzt drift father and farther apart. Do wut u gotta do, girl. If u have more questions or comments, feel free to send me an email :]

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